Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.

Kannada Name : Baage mara, Sireesa
Common Name : Flea tree, Woman's tongue tree
Family Name : Fabaceae
Scientific Name : Albizia lebbeck
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : April - May
Fruiting Period : December - January
Origin : Indomalaya, New Guniea, Northern Australia


It is an astringent, also used by some cultures to treat boils, cough, to treat the eye, flu, gingivitis, lung problems, pectoral problems, is used as a tonic, and is used to treat abdominal tumors. The bark is used medicinally to treat inflammation.


Medium-sized tree, up to 30m tall. Compound leaves bipinnate, glabrous or slightly hairy on the axis; pinnae in 2-4 pairs, each with 2-11 pairs of obliquely oblong leaflets, shortly stalked. Flowers are white, heavily scented, with the stamens free above the corolla, stamens 30-40, yellowish-green on top side, white underside. Pods pale straw to light brown at maturity, narrow-oblong, papery, leathery, flat and not raised or constricted between seeds; seeds brown, flat, orbicular or elliptic, transversely placed with 6- 12 in each pod.