Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Macadamia
Family Name : Proteaceae
Scientific Name : Macadamia integrifolia
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Vulnerable
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : Australia


The decomposed husk is commonly used in potting soil. The oil from the seed is used in cosmetics.


Evergreen tree, 5-18 m tall. Leaves simple, mostly in whorls of 3, oblong to oblanceolate, glabrous, coriaceous, base attenuate, apex acute to obtuse or retuse, margin irregularly spiny-dentate or entire. Inflorescence an axillary pendulous raceme. Flowers bisexual, creamy-white or yellowish. Fruit a globose follicle. Seed usually 1, globular, with a smooth, hard, thick testa enclosing the edible kernel.