Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm.

Kannada Name : Surige mara
Common Name : Surangi
Family Name : Calophyllaceae
Scientific Name : Mammea suriga
Species Type : Endemic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : South India


An infusion of the fresh or dry leaves is given in cases of intermittent fever. Uses of mamea in folk medicine include treatment of scalp infections, diarrhoea, digestive and eye problems. The powdered seeds are employed in the treatment of parasitic skin diseases.


Medium sized, evergreen trees, 10‐18 m tall. Bark rough, outer bark greenish gray, inner bark reddish, resinous or milky white latex. Leaves simple, opposite, ometimes ternately verticellate, lanceolate-obovate to elliptic-oblong, dark green, glabrous, base obtuse, apex acute with rounded tip, obtuse to emarginate, margin entire. Inflorescence a fascicled cyme or solitary. Flowers polygamous, monoecious, bisexual in culrivation fragrant, white or pinkish. Fruit an indehiscent berry, ovoid-globose, glabrous, persistent style, juicy and pulpy, seeds 1-4.