Manihot carthaginensis Müll.Arg.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Ceara rubber tree, Cassava tree
Family Name : Euphorbiaceae
Scientific Name : Manihot carthaginensis
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : June - September
Fruiting Period : October - January
Origin : Brazil


The stem and root are ingredients in a remedy for skin infections.


Small, deciduous tree, 6-8 m high. Bark pinkish-grey to dark brown. Leaves are peltate; lobes 3 or 5, lobes broadly elliptic to obovate, glabrous, base narrow, apex subacute or mucronate, margin entire, dark green above, pale bluish green below. Inflorescence a panicle. Flowers unisexual, greenish-white, flowers are greenish-white and muave tinged or pale yellow with reddish markings. Fruit a capsule, globose, smooth, warty when dry. Seeds biconvex, orange-brown, mottled black; caruncle yellow.