Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K.Schum.

Kannada Name : kunkuma
Common Name : Nile trumpet
Family Name : Bignoniaceae
Scientific Name : Markhamia lutea
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : All year
Fruiting Period : All year
Origin : Eastern Africa


The tree is considered to be an effective treatment for skin-affections, sores and itch. The plant is also used as a rejuvenator and diuretic, and is given for oedema of the legs and elephantiasis of the scrotum. The leaves and bark are used as medicine for tooth-ache and for convulsion in children. Roots are also used against venereal diseases and for preventing abortion.


Evergreen tree, 15-21 m tall. Sometimes shrubby, 1.2-4.5 m tall. Bark brown, smooth or rough, ridged. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 7-13, elliptic to obovate, glabrous but densely lepidote above, more sparsely so beneath, often with pubescent axillary domatia beneath, base cuneate to rounded, apex acuminate, margin undulate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle. Flowers bisexual, trumpet shaped, yellow with red veins or spots at the throat. Fruit a capsule, curved, elongated, compressed, glabrous but lepidote, 35-80 cm long. Seeds numerous, winged.