Melia azedarach L.

Kannada Name : Bevu
Common Name : Chinaberry tree
Family Name : Meliaceae
Scientific Name : Melia azedarach
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : March - May and November - December
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : Indomalayan plane


The leaf juice is anthelmintic, antilithic, diuretic and emmenagogue. The flowers and leaves are applied as a poultice in the treatment of neuralgia and nervous headache. The stem bark is anthelmintic, astringent and bitter tonic. A red dye is obtained from the bark. A fibre obtained from the bark is used to make rope. The fruits are a source of a flea powder and an insecticide.


Medium sized, deciduous tree, up to 15 m tall. Bark dark grey-brown, smooth, longitudinally exfoliating. Leaves bipinnate, rarely tripinnate, alternate; pinnae 5-9, oppoiste; leaflets 3-7, opposite, terminal one slightly larger, ovate, elliptic or lanceolate, sparsely puberulous, glabrescent, base oblique, apex acuminate, margin serrate to subserrate. Inflorescence an axillary panicle. Flower bisexual, small, lilac, fragrant. Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid or globose, yellow when ripe, 3-6 seeded; endocarp ligneous.