Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex G.Don

Kannada Name : Janthaala mara
Common Name : Hard milkwood
Family Name : Apocynaceae
Scientific Name : Alstonia macrophylla
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : December - March
Fruiting Period : May - July
Origin : Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines


The timber is of superior quality and less liable to attack by boring insects. It is used for making roof beams, frames, poles and toys. The bark, in the form of a powder, decoction, infusion, tincture or wine preparation, is used as an antiamoebic, anticholeric, antidysenteric, antimalarial, antiperiodic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic and a vulnerary


Medium to large evergreen tree, growing upto 30 m. Bark is smooth and light grey in color. Leaves are in whorls of three to four, simple, penni-veined, oblong-obovate, membranous, and glabrous above. Leaf-blades are widest in or above the middle, and cuneate at the base. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, and borne on short cymes at the end of branches. The flowers consist of a long tube, opening into 5 pure-white petals. The fruit is a double follicle, pendant, very long, and slender. The seeds are small and very flat, deep-brown.