Plumeria alba L.

Kannada Name : None
Common Name : White frangipani
Family Name : Apocynaceae
Scientific Name : Plumeria alba
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : April - June
Fruiting Period : -
Origin : West indies, Caribbean


The root bark is depurative and purgative, causing thirst. It is used in the treatment of blennorrhagia, herpes and syphilis. The root bark is used externally as a lotion on syphilitic ulcers, administered as powder macerated in sugar-water, wine or beer. The latex from the stem is caustic. It is used for treating ulcers, skin diseases and scabies. The flowers are bitter and caustic. They are an ingredient in a complex pectoral syrup for treating chest coughs and grippe. The seeds are used in the treatment of dysentery.


Evergreen and deciduous trees, up to 7.6 m. Upright branches thick and have milky sap. Leaves simple, oblong-lanceolate, usually clustered at ends. Inflorescence cyme. Flowers bisexual, fragrant, white, yellow throathed. Fruit a follicle.