Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Malabar Kino
Family Name : Fabaceae
Scientific Name : Pterocarpus marsupium
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Near threatened
Flowering Period : September - October
Fruiting Period : September - October
Origin : India


The resin obtained from wounds in the bark is astringent. It is used in the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and the irritation caused by gastric infection and colitis. Although it has an unpleasant flavour, it makes a good mouthwash and gargle. It is commonly used in cases of toothache and also as a douche to treat vaginal discharge. The resin is applied topically in the treatment of skin conditions.


Deciduous trees, to 30 m high, bark 10‐15 mm, surface grey or greyish-black, rough, deeply vertically cracked, exfoliations small, irregular, fibrous; blaze pink; exudation blood-red. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, pulvinate, leaflets 5-7, alternate, lamina elliptic-oblong, oblong-ovate or oblong, glabrous, base obtuse or acute, apex obtuse and emarginate, margin entire. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary cyme. Flowers bisexual, yellow. Fruit a pod, orbicular-reniform, broadly winged; seed one, subreniform.