Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker.

Kannada Name : Mukhyamuttage, Mullumuttaga
Common Name : Pithraj tree
Family Name : Meliaceae
Scientific Name : Aphanamixis polystachya
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : Indian Subcontinent


Bark is used in spleen, liver diseases, tumour and abdominal complaints. Seed-oil is used in rheumatism.


Evergreen tree, 20-30 m in height. Leaves compound, imparipinnate, alternate, pulvinate, oblong-elliptic, membranous when young, later leathery, base oblique, apex acute or acuminate with entire margin. Inflorescence axillary panicles. Flower polygamous, white, 6-7 mm in diameter. Fruit a single seeded orange-red subglobose capsule.