Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv.

Kannada Name : Jeerkolavi kaayi, Neeru kaayi
Common Name : African tulip tree
Family Name : Bignoniaceae
Scientific Name : Spathodea campanulata
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : March - April
Fruiting Period : June - August
Origin : Africa


The bark has laxative and antiseptic properties. The bark is chewed and sprayed over swollen cheeks. The bark may also be boiled in water used for bathing newly born babies to heal body rashes. Extracts of the bark, leaves and flowers are used to treat malaria, HIV, diabetes mellitus, oedema, dysentery, constipation, gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers, skin diseases, wounds, fever, urethral inflammation, liver complaints and as a poison antidote.


Large, evergreen or semi-deciduous tree, up to 25 m tall. Trunk sometimes buttressed, bark lenticellate. Leaves imparipinnate, usually 9-15-foliolate, the leaflets more or less elliptic, slightly puberulous along main veins, base asymmetrically subtruncate or widely cuneate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescence a terminal raceme. Flowers bisexual, bright vermillion or scarlet, with yellow-orange margin. Fruit a capsule, erect, slightly woody, fusiform, compressed, angular (like a flat‐bottomed boat when dehisced), lenticellate, glabrous or densely tomentose when young, glabrescent when older. Seeds compressed, wings hyaline.