Sterculia balanghas L.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Nawa
Family Name : Malvaceae
Scientific Name : Sterculia balanghas
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : India, Sri Lanka


The fibre obtained from the bark is used to make cottages.


Deciduous trees, to 18 m high, bole buttressed; bark grey, smooth, exfoliating in thin round flakes; branchlets tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate, pulvinate leaf base, elliptic, obovate, oblong, elliptic-ovate or oblong-ovate, stellate hairy to velvety beneath, base subcordate or round, apex acuminate, margin entire. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary panicles. Flowers unisexual or polygamous, yellow or greenish-purple. Fruits woody follicles, horizontally spreading, orange-red, oblong, rusty tomentose; seeds oblong, black, shiny.