Stereospermum tetragonum DC.

Kannada Name : Kalladri, Kalludure
Common Name : Yellow snake tree
Family Name : Bignoniaceae
Scientific Name : Stereospermum tetragonum
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : India, Sri lanka


An infusion of the pleasant tasting root, as well as the fragrant flowers, is used as a cooling drink in the treatment of fevers. The juice of the bark is used to treat indigestion.


Deciduous trees, 15‐20 m tall. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 3-6 pairs; leaflets opposite, elliptic-ovate, pubescent or glabrous, base oblique or cunaeate, apex acute or acumiante. Inflorescence a terminal panicle. Flowers bisexual, pale yellow, tube terete, tomentose at mouth. Fruit a capsule, terete, 4-angular. Seeds ovoid, white membranous winged at apices.