Araucaria cunninghamii Mudie.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Hoop pine, Moreton Bay pine
Family Name : Araucariaceae
Scientific Name : Araucaria cunninghamii
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : Seed dispersal - November - February
Origin : Australia


The bark exudes a resin when cut. This resin can be dissolved in alcohol to treat kidney ailments. it is suitable for use as general-purpose construction timber; better grades are suitable for internal finishes for buildings, furniture and cabinet making. It is also an excellent veneer species and is used as such for making plywood.


Evergreen tree up to 70 m tall. Bark gray-brown, rough, splits naturally and peels easily. Lateral branches dense and drooping. Leaves dimorphic: leaves of young trees and lateral branchlets loosely arranged, needle like, falcate, wide at base, apex acute or acuminate; leaves on mature trees and cone bearing branchlets densely arranged, overlapping, ovate to triangular, apex acute or obtuse. Male cones terminal, solitary and ovoid or ellipsoid. Female cones ovoid or ellipsoid, 6-10 cm long, bracteate, apex caudate. Seeds ellipsoid with membranous lateral wing.