Vitex negundo L.

Kannada Name : Karilakki, Lakkigida
Common Name : Chaste tree
Family Name : Lamiaceae
Scientific Name : Vitex negundo
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : April - August
Fruiting Period : February - July
Origin : Eastern and Southern Africa and Asia


It is used for treating stored garlic against pests and as a cough remedy. It is also used in traditional herbal medicine for women's health, including treatments for regulating the menstrual cycle, fibrocystic breast disease and post-partum remedies.


Shrubs or small evergreen trees, whitish to greyish tomentose except the upper surface of leaves and fruits, branchlets quadrangular. Leaves compound, 3-5 foliate, opposite-decussate, leaflets usually narrowly oblong or elliptic to lanceolate, chartaceous, dark green sparsely pubescent above, paler grayish pubescent beneath, base acute, apex acuminate, margin entire or serrate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle. Flowers bisexual, small, usually blue or violet, subsessile to shortly pedicelled. Fruit is a drupe subglobose or somewhat ovoid, usually 4-celled, with 1 seed in each cell.