Conocarpus lancifolius Engl.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Lanceleaf buttonwood
Family Name : Combretaceae
Scientific Name : Conocarpus lancifolius
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Near threatened
Flowering Period : -
Fruiting Period : -
Origin : Somalia


The tree's wood is dense and suitable for charcoal. A gum obtained from the tree is used to treat chest and bowel complaints.


Evergreen tree, upto 10m tall. Bark fissured. Leaves lanceolate, glabrous, base attenuate, apex acute. Inflorescence a globose or slightly elongated head. Flowers yellow-green, slightly fragrant. Fruits round, greenish heads, pubescent, cone like, containing tiny, scale-like hard seeds.