Bauhinia purpurea L.

Kannada Name : Basavanapaada, Mandara
Common Name : Camel foot tree
Family Name : Fabaceae
Scientific Name : Bauhinia purpurea
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : September - February
Fruiting Period : January - April
Origin : South China, South-east Asia


It used in making poultices for treating swelling, bruises, boils, and ulcers. Various parts of the plant are also used in decoctions to treat fever and stomach ailments, as well as being used as an astringent. In Indian traditional medicine, the leaves are used to treat coughs while the bark is used for glandular diseases and as an antidote for poisons. The flowers are also used in pickles and curries and is regarded as a laxative.


It is a medium sized, semi-evergreen tree, growing up to 10 m. Leaves simple, alternate, sub-orbicular, bilobed, thin coriaceous, glabrous, minutely pubescent lower surface when young, base sub-cordate, apex slightly acute or rarely rounded, margin entire. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal, raceme or panicle. Flowers bisexual, petals 5, pink and fragrant. Fruit a pod, compressed, containing 12 to 16 seeds, coils after splitting open.