Cassia roxburghii DC.

Kannada Name : Kakke
Common Name : Red Cassia
Family Name : Fabaceae
Scientific Name : Cassia roxburghii
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : May- August
Fruiting Period : May- July
Origin : South India


The dry leaves and bark is used to treat muscle spasms, diabetes, gastric problems, cold, diarrhea. Economical uses include its cultivation as ornamental plants


Medium-sized tree, deciduous tree, 15–20 m tall with spreading, drooping branches. Leaves paripinnate, alternate with 8-20 pairs of leaflets; leaflets oblong, ovate-elliptical, unequal sided, tips blunt. Inflorescence an axillary pendulous raceme. Flower bisexual, red to pink, older flowers pink. Fruit a pod, 20–30 cm long, cylindrical and glabrous.