Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss.

Kannada Name : Kalgarike, Madagari bevu
Common Name : Indian Mahogany, Chitta gong wood
Family Name : Meliaceae
Scientific Name : Chukrasia tabularis
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Deciduous
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : April- May
Fruiting Period : December- March
Origin : Indian Subcontinent


Major uses are fine furniture, turnery, doors, windows and light flooring. Flowers contain a red and yellow dye. The bark and leaves contain commercial gums and tannins and the astringent bark has medicinal uses. It is planted as a shade tree for coffee plantations


Large, deciduous tree, up to 35 m tall. Bark thick, dark brown, with thin irregular flakes, blaze pink-red. Leaves paripinnate, 12–50 cm long, alternate, pulvinate; leaflets 10–24, alternate or subopposite; leaflets narrow ovate to lanceolate, coriaceous, glabrous above, pubescent beneath, base oblique, apex acuminate, margin entire. Inflorescence a terminal panicle, greyish, pubescent. Flowers bisexual, yellowish-white. Fruit a capsule, globose, 4 cm across, 4-5 valved, glabrous; seeds many, broadly winged at base.