Cinnamomum verum J.Presl.

Kannada Name : Lavangachakke, Lavangapatte
Common Name : Cinnamon tree
Family Name : Lauraceae
Scientific Name : Cinnamomum verum
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Least concern
Flowering Period : January- March
Fruiting Period : June- August
Origin : Sri Lanka, India


Cinnamon bark is astringent, stimulant and carminative. It possesses the property of checking nausea and vomiting.Cinnamon bark oil is employed in a range of dental and pharmaceutical preparations. Oils extracted from it are used in food flavouring industry but is also used in tobacco flavours and for incense. It has limited use in some perfumes


Evergreen trees, 10–20 m tall. Bark smooth, brown with strong cinnamon smell; buttressed. Leaves simple, opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate, ovate, elliptic ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous, base acute to attenuate, apex acute to acuminate, margin entire, tri-nerved venation. Inflorescence terminal or axillary panicles. Flowers bisexual, greenish-yellow. Fruit a berry, ellipsoid, dark purple 1-2 cm containing a single seed.