Cycas circinalis L.

Kannada Name : Guddeechal, Mandeechal
Common Name : Queen sago
Family Name : Cycadaceae
Scientific Name : Cycas circinalis
Species Type : Endemic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Endangered
Flowering Period : December - February
Fruiting Period : December - February
Origin : Western Ghats


The male cone scales are commonly sold for use as an anodyne in bazaars in India. The bark and the seeds are ground to a paste with oil and used as a poultice on sores, cuts, wounds, ulcers and swellings.


A dioecious cycad, slow growing, up to 6 m tall. Leaves pinnate, alternate, in spirals, 3 m long and 2 ft wide, glossy, dark green; leaflets 0.5 inch wide; small spines line the petiole; leaf bases persistent. Male and female cones are borne on separate plants. Male cones, brown, up to 2 feet long, 5 inches thick, erect. Female cones leaflike, with each sporophyll bearing 6‐10 large ovules on the margins. Mature seeds orange, smooth, 2.5 inches in diameter.