Diospyros discolor A. DC.

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Velvet apple, Butter fruit
Family Name : Ebenaceae
Scientific Name : Diospyros discolor
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : None
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : Taiwan


A decoction of the young leaves is used as a treatment for hypertension, heart ailments and diabetes. The juice of unripe fruit is astringent. It is used as a wash for wounds.


Large, evergreen, dioecious trees up to 30m in height. Braches initially pubescent. Leaves simple, alternate, oblong-lanceolate, coriaceous, galbrous above, pubescent below, base obtuse, rounded or subcordate, apex sharp or rarely obtuse, margin revolute. Male flowers in axillary cymose inflorescences. Female flowers solitary, hairy flower. Flowers yellowish-green in colour. Fruit a berry, globose, lightly flattened, densely reddish hairy, reddish when ripe with whitish pulp.