Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb. ex DC.) Walpers

Kannada Name : -
Common Name : Duabanga
Family Name : Lythraceae
Scientific Name : Duabanga grandiflora
Species Type : Indigenous
Phenology : Semi-deciduous
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : April
Fruiting Period : None
Origin : India, Nepal, China


The fruits and leaves are boiled to make a black dye. The wood is used for purposes such as boxes and crates, tea boxes, furniture components, house and boat building, blockboard, fibre boards and pulp


Evergreen or semi-evergreen trees, growing up to 40 m. Sparingly branched, branches are four-angled. Leaves simple, rigis, distichous, ovate to oblong, abaxially glaucous, base cordate, apex shortly acuminate. Inflorescence a corymb. Flowers bisexual white. Fruit a capsule, subglobose, 6-9 valved. Seeds 4-6 mm.