Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin.

Kannada Name : Guddada goni, Kallu maavina mara
Common Name : Sage-leaved alangium
Family Name : Cornaceae
Scientific Name : Alangium salviifolium
Species Type : Exotic
Phenology : Evergreen
Conservation Status : Not known
Flowering Period : February - April
Fruiting Period : March - May
Origin : Tropical Asia, Tropical Africa


In Ayurveda the roots and the fruits are used for the treatment of rheumatism and haemorrhoid. Externally, it is used for the treatment of bites by rabbits, rats, and dogs. The root-bark is also used in traditional medicine skin problems and as an antidote for snake bite. The wood is used to make ornamental work, pestles and rollers and also is also used as a fuel wood.


Small, bushy tree, growing up to 10m. The leaves are elliptic oblong, elliptic lanceolate or oblong lanceolate. The flowers are greenish white, fascilcled, axillary or on old wood. The berries are ovoid, ellipsoid or nearly globose.glabrous, smooth and violet to purple.